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Costs Budgeting

Costs Budgeting
The correct choice and use of costs draftsman will undoubtedly become more important than ever in the new budgeting era. The changes have been with us since October 2011 following the successful pilot under Simon Brown QC in Birmingham.

They and you will need to have experience in not only predicting future costs and managing that budget but be able to liaise fully with you, your client (who will be expected to take part fully in the process) and contact with the opposition throughout the process, and its timing is crucial. The ability of being able to communicate effectively therefore is of paramount importance.

The court will be the final arbitrator of the costs and while you can vary the amounts at the CMOs the court will make that decision.

The advantage is that you have finality as to your costs, assessment is discouraged and you can advise the client more effectively.

However, the skill set required is different and the choice of draftsman will be of paramount importance.

As Costs Draftsmen with considerable experience of complex litigated cases, we are accustomed to legal processes within the context of litigation and have unrivaled experience in the art of Costs Budgeting and management.

Call us on 01543 492135 to discuss your requirements.

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