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Update on LASPO

Last week the House of Lords inflicted two defeats on the government over part 2 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, but the main elements of the Jackson reforms remained intact.

Peers voted to exclude asbestos claims and then all industrial disease cases from the end of recoverability. However, a vote to put the 10% damages uplift and qualified one-way costs-shifting (QOCS) on the face of the bill failed. Lord McNally said that the judiciary believed the 10% uplift should be done by the courts, while putting QOCS in the legislation, rather than leaving it to the rule committee, would make it far less flexible.

Lord McNally was unable to confirm that controversial amendment 135A, which some thought meant that the end of recoverability would have retrospective effect, would not do that, but said he would confirm the matter shortly.

Labour amendments on making the payment of referral fees a criminal offence and halving the fees payable under the RTA portal will be addressed on the next day of report later this week.

As always, we’ll keep you informed of all new developments as and when they arise.

Posted on by kaweb

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